Iguana Iguana - Guide for Successful Captive Care
. erweiterte Auflage Malabar 1996, geb., Großfomat, geb., 178 Seiten, viele Fotos, insbesondere im Bereich Erkrankungen des Grünen Leguans. This new and expanded edition, which is devoted to the green iguana, includes the following: reproduction and captive breeding; normal and abnormal behaviour; information on safe and effective methods of restraint; prevention, diagnosis and treatment of nutrition related diseases; the development of metabolic bone disease; infectious diseases and non-infectious conditions; a discussion of ophthalmic disorders; miscellaneous causes of anaemia, skin diseases, abnormal stool, colour changes, tail and claw disorders and care; and fractures and their management.
Autor | FRYE, F.: |
Sprache | Englisch |