Techniques for photographing reptiles and amphibians in the field

How to tell better stories
Techniques for photographing reptiles and amphibians in the field
How to tell better stories
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Frankfurt am Main 2024, kt., 128 Seiten, 120 Farbfotos. Natürlich hat Lee für dieses Buch seine besten Fotos zusammengestellt, aber spannend wird es da, wo er die Unterschiede zu den „nicht ganz so guten“ Bildern zeigt.It wasn’t until I met Chris Mattison in 1986 that my photographic skills received a tremendous boost. I was working in Baja California, México at the time and Chris and I were introduced by a mutual friend because Chris wanted to come with me on a trip to photograph Baja herps. During this trip, he shared with me many of his photographic skills but most importantly, he taught me how to take wide-angle photographs and any success I have ever had at this I owe to him. I remember shooting a Vizcaino Desert Zebra-tailed Lizard on a sand dune outside of Guerrero Negro and Chris saying to me “Why not take the picture of the lizard showing it in its habitat?” and then proceeding to teach me the mechanics of how to do so. The second major upgrade to my skills came when I met Jeremy Holden in Phnom Penh on my first expedition in Cambodia. Jeremy is one of the best all-around photographers I know and spending two weeks with him in the jungles of the Cardamom Mountains gave my photography the push it needed to get it to the next level. What Chris and Jeremy taught me are still the most valued techniques I use today and the main reasons people seem to like my picture stories.

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Autor GRISMER; L.:
Sprache Englisch