Skinks of India

Skinks of India
89,90 €
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Kolkata 2020, kt., 383 Seiten; viele Farbfotos, Zeichnungen und Karten. This book is the first comprehensive guide to the skinks of India. Comprising of approximately 60 currently recog-nised species in some 16 genera, India has a large diversity of skinks living in a multitude of landscapes. This book includes a detailed description of all the currently valid species, de-scribed from the collections of the Zoological survey of India and other museums such as the Bombay Natural History Society. Skinks of India also contains colour images for every species, descriptive illustrations for identifying genus level characters, and distribution maps made from previous recorded literature. Absolut spannend, zum einen sind viele der Skinke richtig schön, zum anderen hat einen bekannten deutsche Herpetologen noch bei seiner letzten Expedition in Indien die Verzweiflung gepackt, weil es kein vernünftige Literatur zum Bestimmen der gefundenen Skinke gab.
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Autor DEUTI, K., RAHA, S. ET AL.:
Sprache Englisch