Botulinum Toxin
Treatment in Surgery, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine
Heidelberg 2021, kt., viii, 398 Seiten. 130 Abb., davon 60 in Farbe. All books on the market which have been written on the subject of botulinum toxin therapy focus on treatment of hyperactive movement disorders, autonomic dysfunction (bladder, sweat and salivary glands) and some pain indications (migraine). Reference to pre-or post -surgical indications are brief and often out-dated. No book has information on dentistry or veterinary medicine. This book provides up-to-date information on botulinum toxin therapy in surgical fields. It is also the only book in the market that provides information on botulinum toxin therapy in dentistry and veterinary medicine, furnishing the latest information. Botulinum Toxin Treatment in Surgery, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine appeals to many disciplines including surgery, dentistry and veterinary medicines well as appealing to neurologists and internists.
Autor | JABBARI, B. ed.: |
Sprache | Englisch |