Identification Guide to the Snakes of Namibia

Identification Guide to the Snakes of Namibia
17,90 €
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Auggen 2024, kt, 70 Seiten, 160 Farbfotos und Abb. The vast desert dunes of the Namib, the rugged rocks and mountains of the Karoo and the endless dry savannas characterize the wonderful, sparsely populated country Namibia in southern Africa. And despite the harsh, dry landscapes, the country is home to an abundance of wildlife. There are approximately 85 different snake species in Namibia, but only nine of them have the potential to cause life-threatening symptoms in the event of an accidental envenomation. This booklet takes you on an immersive journey into the captivating world of Namibian snakes, helping you to distinguish between venomous and non-venomous snakes of this fascinating country and thus to realize that the danger posed by snakes is much less than assumed.
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Autor DÖRNER, T.: